Meet Angel's friends - and enemies. Rogue demon hunters, karaoke-singing demons, dimensionally challenged physicists and, of course, evil lawyers - they're all here.
The vampire detective who's king of brooding.
Cordelia Chase
Actress, Girl Friday and "the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history".
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Ex-Watcher and motorcyle-riding rogue demon hunter.
Charles Gunn
Cool, street-wise vigilante.
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Scatty physicist and all-round genius.
Destroyer of Quor'toth, son of vampires, and sulky teenager.
Friendly demon with the power to read minds and sing like an angel.
Lilah Morgan
Top lawyer for demonic law firm Wolfram and Hart.
Angel's Sire, former lover - and deadly vampire.
Daniel Holtz
Time-travelling hunter after vengeance.
The Groosalugg
Champion, king, and sweet little puppy-dog.
A shadowy demon with a manipulative touch.
Justine Cooper
Grief-stricken vampire hunter.
Allen Francis Doyle
Half demon (on his mother's side) and a man with vision(s).
Kate Lockley
Angel's glamorous contact within the LAPD.
Angel is broadcast on Sky One and Five in the UK, and is © Twentieth Century Fox Television. Some images copyright Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. All rights reserved.