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Interviews | Nancy Holder and Jeff Mariotte
The Future

We hear a third volume of The Watcher's guide is planned for late next year. Will you and Maryelizabeth be involved with that, or another volume of the Angel Case files perhaps?

Jeff: I don't know for sure what's going on with either of these projects, but I think it's time some fresh eyes were turned on the goings-on at Mutant Enemy, so probably not.

Nancy: What Jeff said about WG3 and other projects. We show up on the set these days [and] they try to put us to work!

What next for you both in terms of Buffy and/or Angel?

Jeff: My next Angel novel is Sanctuary, which is on sale in April. It's a Lorne-centric book, at long last - Lorne and Fred, I should say, though of course the whole gang is in on the action.

Nancy: I'm finishing a book right now with Buffy and Spike and the gang called Blood and Fog. It's about Jack the Ripper, sort of. Also, leprechauns.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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