This month, you tackle short stories in the Angel anthology The Longest Night. Tell us what we can expect from the book, and your stories in particular.
Jeff: The book tells stories of Angel and friends on the night of the Winter Solstice. It's nearly Christmas, but it's also a night fraught with magickal significance, so anything can happen.
Each story is set during a different hour of the night. I haven't read any of the other stories yet, but the line-up of writers is great. My story, "A Joyful Noise," is set early in the evening, and features many guest stars I think fans will enjoy seeing.
Nancy: The stories rock. I did two, one of which I think is more successful than the other. One of the really fun things was finding out what Jeff was gonna do. We didn't talk about our submissions until after we got to work. They were so different!