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Buffy Stuff | Interviews | Ashley McConnell and Dori Koogler
Kick Start

How did you get involved in writing These Our Actors together?

Dori: Ashley said to me one day, "You're going to write a Buffy book with me." We've known each other for years, and she's always encouraged my writing. And by 'encouraged' I mean in that firm, boot-meets-backside way.

[It's] a good thing, because left to my own devices, I'd still be scribbling soppy story fragments in school notebooks and not showing them to anybody.

I think she finally got tired of my shilly-shallying about whether or not I wanted to write. She decided I was ready, dragged me up there onto the High Diving Board, and gave me a push. I was terrified, but I found out that I really enjoyed writing the book, and want to do it again. So I'm terribly grateful, even if that long fall to the water was a bit of a shock...

Ashley: It seemed like a good idea at the time. I've had an image in my head ever since I was an undergraduate of sitting in an empty theatre and watching the characters sitting in the audience talking to each other.

And Dori's getting a double Masters in Theatre, so it was an opportunity to do something with that image and maybe have some fun with Spike while we were at it.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

Giles Giles
'Buffy, you have a sacred birthright to protect mankind. Don't stick out your elbow.'
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