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Interviews | Emma Caulfield
Behind the counter

Picture Would you want to own and run a shop like the Magic Box?

I had so many retail jobs growing up and starting out, when I moved here to LA, [but] it wasn�t meant for me.

I worked for Nordstrom, which is a big retail chain like Bloomingdale�s or Macy�s. That was the one retail experience I had that was actually enjoyable, because the company was really cool. I remember actually being in a total state when I first started auditioning, like "Oh I don�t want to do this, I�ll just work in Nordstrom. I don�t care, I�ll just have a normally life," and then I start working again and let it go.

But Nordstrom was actually kind of fun for me. I sold of all things women�s hosiery, which is just odd, that they actually have a whole section for hosiery, strange. But to actually own any sort of clothing retail store, I don�t think so. Being in charge or something, being a boss or something, having more control, that�s appealing to me. I don�t have much control as an actor.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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