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Interviews | Drew Z. Greenberg
Party Time

Picture Tell us about encountering your fans at this year's Posting Board Party charity event.

It was absolutely - and I say this with all love and affection [as] I think the fans who were there will understand - the most bizarre experience I've ever had in my entire life.

They're fun, they're so enthusiastic and they care so much about the show, that when you walk into a room like that, no matter how much you tell yourself you're ready, you're never prepared for this wave of love that hits you.

When you walk in, it's quite remarkable being surrounded by all these people who just want to be a part - the same way that I wanted to be a part - of this experience. This is the chance for all of us to be a part of it together, and so I think it's really cool. Plus, I got to be a rock star for a few minutes, and good golly that's not bad.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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