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Interviews | Anthony Stewart Head
Part 7

Picture Randy Giles, high heels and fan fiction

Kendra-the-slayer: Was it hard not to burst out laughing when doing the scenes with James Marsters in tweed with the whole Randy Giles line?

Tony Head: At the time I was struggling with the character. They were suggesting he might be my son... it was like, "Okay, so how old does that make me look?" We always laugh, but I can't remember if we did at that particular moment. But we have a laugh - it's not one of those desperately intense sets.

Claudia: I'm really interested in prosthetic makeup and hope to study it at university. What was it like being made up as a Fyarl demon for season five?

Tony Head: It was fantastic. I had a great time. I loved playing with the character, and again I had a hand in the costume design. Firstly, I went to the guy who was designing the head, and he got into a really complex thing that would have cost thousands of dollars. So I ended up seeing someone whose wife made that sort of thing. Having done Rocky Horror and being used to walking in heels, I knew that if you lift the heel and walk on the ball of your foot, your foot looks narrower.

So I worked out from that how we could make the hoof. Unfortunately you only see it once when I'm stamping on a child's toy. I was able to stomp around more. The make-up took about four or five hours. I found the smell of the latex glue [horrible] after a while.

I had to hold my breath. And at the end of the day when you just want to tear it off, it takes an hour to get it off. If you peeled it off you'd take a whole layer of skin off, so they had to use thinners.

Sally Goldsmith: Have you ever read the Buffy and Giles fan fiction on the web? If not, why? If yes, what do you think?

Tony Head: I did actually read some fairly purple... I thought, "My God". It was very flattering. That's all I could say really. I thought, "Good grief". But perhaps there's similar stuff about Captain Picard. They coupled me with Willow once, which I found a bit disturbing. I think it's good. It encourages people to write. Somewhere down the line they may use that to propel them to something else.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

Buffy Buffy
'Well... We talked. And... and then he ripped out the heart of a demon and fed it to me... and then we talked some more.'
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