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Interviews | Anthony Stewart Head
Rain stopped play
Anthony Stewart Head Presumably the British weather affected the shoot?

I said, stupidly, �Of course, I can�t guarantee the weather�. And we all laughed, because we�d had a week of solid sun � it had been beautiful. But come Monday, as we began to film, it started to bucket down. So the shot of me on Otto has rain running down me � my hair is plastered to my forehead, but you wouldn�t know. It looks glorious because our brilliant director of photography made everything look great.

There was one shot of Alyson which we shot in the hallway instead of an exterior. It was supposed to be out in the fields and I was supposed to ride up to her on the horse and dismount. We ended up shooting this scene where the taxi comes, and I put in picking up an umbrella and going outside. The Director of Photography said �Maybe we should shoot one take without the umbrella and I said, �Come on, it�s bucketing down�. In the end he had to use the shot without the umbrella because you wouldn�t know I was raining the way he had shot it - you could not tell.


Xander Xander
'Guys'll do anything to impress a girl. I once drank an entire gallon of Gatorade without taking a breath.'
Another quote?

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