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Interviews | Clare Kramer
Special effects and apple boxes (spoilers)

Picture Can you tell us a bit about the special effects that you had to work with as Glory?

The morphing (into Ben) was a big technical process, especially the first couple of times we did it because nobody really knew what we were doing. For example, the first time we morphed you see Charlie talking to the Key. All of a sudden it�s me morphing. That was about a five hour process.

He would be standing there in a certain position and then they�d be like "Okay, freeze." He�d run out and I�d run in and stand on an apple box so I could be the same height. I'd adjust myself and they�d be yelling at me from the monitor, "Move a little to your left" or "a little to your right." We�d finally get in the right position and then you�d come out of the morph. It�s quite an extensive process in terms of filming.

Did he like wearing the dresses?

He was a little embarrassed, I think his mum actually told him that he should wax his legs.

It was always fun to do a scene with Charlie. Although we never got to interact, it was fun to hang out and since those scenes took a long time to figure out the morphing we would always have time to be running around and joking and stuff.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on BBC 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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