Rebellion, singing and The Body
Mel Caals: Would you like to see Dawn turn bad for an episode?
Definitely. There was one episode in Season Five where she experimented with evil Dawn and good Dawn, and you'll see in the sixth season, that Dawn gets a little more rebellious. I think that kind of attitude is exciting for any actor to play. Especially when that is not normal for their character. So you never know.
Kat: Is it true that in Season Six we see dawn's wild-side. Does she get drunk?
Well, you guys know more than I do, I guess. All I can say is that this season will be a little bit more rebellious for Dawn. But as to what that includes, I really don't know myself yet.
Dawn: What can you tell us about the all musical episode? Do you get to sing?
We have all started dance rehearsals and singing lessons already. We each are doing a little bit of singing, and it should be very exciting. It's written and directed by Joss, so you guys must know how wonderful it's going to be!
SteveB: After seeing The Body for the first time I was crying, how hard was it to film?
It was very difficult to get into the mind-set of Dawn because losing a loved one is a very serious topic. I myself have a great relationship with my mom, and whereas I usually try to relate things that happen to Dawn to my life, I really had to view Dawn as a separate person for this one, and really feel how she would react. I'll leave it up to you guys to see how I did, and if you believed me.
Max Smith: Dawn's shown a lot of interest in witchcraft, are we likely to see her interacting with Willow/Tara a lot more in Season Six?
Well, the interest Dawn showed was through desperate times, and if there ever is a desire for Dawn to experiment again, I'll leave that up to the writers to create it.