Turning a blind eye to the Slayer
Naz Golland: What do you think of the Buffy musical episode and would you have liked to have been part of that?
Kristine: I haven't seen it yet so I can't really say - sorry!
Joe: Was there anything that being Buffy's mum taught you as a parent?
Kristine: Good question. That I think a healthy amount of denial is important in giving your children space to be who they are.
I felt that in the first and second seasons [it] was a time in a teenager's life when she wasn't ready to share with me what her struggles were and a lot about her life.
People used to say to me, how can you be so dumb as not to notice that your daughter was a superhero. My answer was no because as a parent, there is a certain amount of denial and certain times you just have to trust your child.
Elaine Nicholson: Will you be making any ghostly returns in future?
Kristine: One can only hope so!
Vlad Munch: Is your real daughter jealous of your on-screen relationship with Buffy?
Kristine: No. I think she was really tickled that I went to work and had this other daughter.
I didn't allow her to watch the show as I didn't think she was old enough for the material, but she did enjoy coming to the set. Her favourite character was a zombie cheerleader from the third season.