Backlashes and badness
Stef: Adam, have you received any backlash from Amber Benson fans after you killed of Tara? What was it like to become a 'murderer'... and do you think Warren got his just deserts.
Adam: Yeah, absolutely. People were very upset about it. A lot of people had a lot of questions but hopefully they don't take it out on me personally. I think he probably got what he deserved for what he'd done.
Jasmine: Jonathan has been in almost every season of Buffy. Will he show up in season seven somewhere as well?
Danny: Maybe!
Charlotte: How does it feel to be the meanest human Buffy villains?
Danny: Do you think we're the meanest?
Tom: I thought we were bad at being bad!
Danny: Adam was good!
Adam: I feel like I've gotten to do everything you can get to do - fly, jump, be funny - it was wonderful.
Tom: Personally even when we were trying to be bad, I still felt like I kept bumbling.
Danny: Jonathan was ultimately in it for the chicks and trying to get the attention, not really to become bad.