Future lawman Joe Dredd was born in 2066, a clone created to serve Mega-City One. After thirteen years at the Academy of Law, Joe and his clone brother Rico began dispensing instant justice. But Rico went bad and Dredd sentenced his sibling to twenty years at an offworld penal colony. When his brother eventually returned looking for vengeance, Dredd gunned Rico down - in self defence.
Joe is a legendary symbol of justice, the strong arm of the Law. He is hard but fair - but mostly hard. Dredd has saved the city countless times, risking his own live to defeat lawless punks, Soviet invaders and robotic
His most dangerous foes are the Dark Judges, superfiends from another dimension who believe all life is a crime. They turned the Big Meg into a city of the dead during Necropolis before Dredd intervened. He can be utterly ruthless - during The Apocalypse War Dredd nuked half a billion people to save his own city.
Created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra, Dredd is 2000 AD's best-loved character. A brutal future cop seems an unlikely pop culture icon, but the strip's mix of satire, black humour and action-packed art made this anti-hero a phenomenon.
Dredd has starred in novels, audio adventures, masses of other merchandise and even a 1995 feature film starring Sylvester Stallone. Alas, Sly's Inspector-Clouseau-from-the-Bronx accent helped doom the movie.