Did you find that having the make-up on helped you portray Zhaan?
Eventually, yes, but not in the beginning. Initially it was a shock, and I was going home and crying my eyes out, thinking, "What have I done?"
I thought "God, what am I going to do if [this show] is not well received? It�s going to take me three years to grow back my hair, and eyebrows take months and months. I�ve ruined my career." At first it was difficult and very depressing.
I�d look in the mirror and I�d see this red, rubbed thumb. That�s what I looked like, just a pink, rubbed thumb. I used to take the make-up with fruit acid so I�ve got squillions of broken capillaries as a result. So for the first two weeks, every night I�d just cry my heart out.
But, after I got used to the make-up and started to see some dailies, and after the make-up artists found their way as well and adjusted the make-up to work perfectly, then I started to get a feel for it and it did help. At the same time, also I�m an actor, so I�m able to switch in and switch out, and most of the time I didn�t realise that I was blue and unless I looked down and saw my hands.
I used to wonder why people were staring at me. People would stare, speechless, very close to my face, and it actually made me feel really horrible and very uncomfortable. I used to forget that I was in make-up and I used to wonder what the hell they were looking at.