You play more than one role in Ghosts of Albion, don't you?
I play various beasts. So far I'm two werewolves, a demon and a doctor who gets killed by a werewolf - by me. I'm a werewolf that kills myself.
I've never played a werewolf before, and it's great fun. You can just be silly, and of course working with Roy [Skelton] - who is the icon of using your voice and being creative with your voice - has been amazing.
He really just snaps into voices and that's been fun, actually, trying to do werewolf voices alongside the famous Roy Skelton.
Has the master given you any tips?
He has. He gave me some tips to stop me ruining my voice, because all the werewolf noise can really grate on your throat, so I push it to the front of my mouth a bit more, which is really good.