BBC Cult - Printer Friendly Version
Elliot Falk - Doctor Hillman, Were-beasts

Ghostly fans
  Do you believe in ghosts?

No, oddly enough. I do believe in certain things that can make you feel a bit spooky. There was a brilliant programme on the other day actually, about the noise of a fan in this one office. Because it was sub-sonic and vibrated at a certain frequency, it made your eyeballs vibrate, which meant that you saw things that weren't there.

I thought that was the best explanation for ghosts - the fact that it's sub-sonic noise, and every time you walk somewhere that's a bit spooky it's actually a noise that you can't really hear, but it's vibrating things in your head which make you a bit spooked. It was some Carol Vorderman thing - the Truth About Ghosts or When Ghosts Go Bad.

Museum piece
  How did you get into acting?

I'm not entirely sure, to be honest with you. I spent seven years with a theatre company that I set up, and then toured around Britain for a long time.

I then became an actor in a museum - the Museum of the Moving Image - so I had to be various film characters, a Hollywood director from the 1930s, a Russian filmmaker from the 1920s and all this kind of thing. It was great fun. I have used my voice in various fictional and BBC productions, so it just came naturally and it's very nice of them to offer this to me.

Chim chimeny
  If you found yourself transported back to the time of Ghosts of Albion, what do you think you'd most enjoy about it?

What would I most enjoy about it? Oh, treating children with contempt. Sticking them up chimneys and making them go under looms and things like that.

You can't get away with that nowadays - people get upset. I think that would have been a fine thing to do.

What would you really miss from now?

What would I miss? I don't know, chewing gum, just out of the air, no idea why.

Water into wine
  Any magical powers you'd like to possess?

Oh, I've always been very envious of the water into wine thing. I think that would be really good - that would be the ultimate. It's a bit more religious than magical I suppose, but you know. I'd [also] love to fly.

Multiple personalities
  You play more than one role in Ghosts of Albion, don't you?

I play various beasts. So far I'm two werewolves, a demon and a doctor who gets killed by a werewolf - by me. I'm a werewolf that kills myself.

I've never played a werewolf before, and it's great fun. You can just be silly, and of course working with Roy [Skelton] - who is the icon of using your voice and being creative with your voice - has been amazing.

He really just snaps into voices and that's been fun, actually, trying to do werewolf voices alongside the famous Roy Skelton.

Has the master given you any tips?

He has. He gave me some tips to stop me ruining my voice, because all the werewolf noise can really grate on your throat, so I push it to the front of my mouth a bit more, which is really good.

Hairy monsters
  Are you enjoying the prospect of becoming a cartoon character?

It's great - I've never been an animated figure. I'm really looking forward to seeing what it looks like. I haven't got any idea at the moment, but it will be interesting to see.

The doctor doesn't really say a great deal, and tends to get killed an awful lot - I think he gets killed twice in this story. So it's mainly a, 'My god, ugh,' kind of thing. There's not much scope for characterisation, but it's going to be interesting to see what they do with the other characters, because the other characters are really very well drawn and it will be nice to see them in the flesh.

Any tips for the animators, any bits you'd like accentuated in your cartoon image?

No, I think my natural werewolf-like qualities will be sufficient. I'm sure they'll be able to get an awful lot of inspiration from the fact that I look like a hairy mess.