What do you think of cult TV and cult films? Is it a genre that appeals to you?
I've played right across the board in my life, I've done everything really there is to do. All I long to do now is be in things that are good and with people that have enthusiasm.
This writer/director I find enchanting, both as a director and as a person, and the whole company feel like that. It's wonderful, isn't it, to be able to come to work and enjoy it and be so happy and do something worthwhile? The whole company feel like this, so it's been great.
Being that the script has been written by an American team, how well have they captured the 'Englishness' of it?
Amazingly. There's no sign of any kind of Americanisms really. Hardly any at all. I think there were a couple and they've corrected those themselves. So it's not worried me at all. It's English.