The TNMC website recently caught up with Angel writer David Fury and asked him all about Angel.
In the interview Fury revealed who his favourite character to write for is:
"Most on staff would say Lorne," he said. "Though currently, my favs are Spike and Harmony, old Buffy writer that I am. Used to love writing Cordy, before she got all serious."
Talking of Spike, Fury explained that viewers don't have to have watched Buffy to understand his character:
"We're doing our best in the first batch of episodes to explain the show and the characters to new viewers," he said. "In the first two episodes. I've co-written (Just Rewards, and Destiny), I've been using flashbacks that help explain the relationship between Spike and Angel."
Fury also described the dynamic between Spike and Angel:
"Imagine Angel as a successful older brother to Spike's put upon "living in his shadow" younger brother, and you'll have an understanding of their dynamic. Contentious, but with an understanding that they're two of a kind."
Fury concluded the interview by offering the following titbits about the new series, currently screening in America and due on Sky in January. Apparently, we can expect: "Visits from old friends (but, alas, not Buffy) and enemies... Flashbacks to the first time Spike and Angel meet... Jeff Bell's homage to Mexican wrestling... Possibly Muppets..."
Click on the link on the right for the full interview.