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Buffy News    13 November 2003
Buffy Connector
Buffy Connector

A great new way to chat about Buffy with other fans online on the Cult Buffy site.

  • Click on Connector
  • Create an identity
  • Get chatting live to other Buffy fans
We're giving Buffy fans the chance to trial a new programme called Connector, a clever little thing that lets you chat to your heart's content with anyone else looking at the same page as you. It's like a mini-chatroom, but one where you know the other people you meet are interested in the same stuff as you - otherwise, why would they be looking at that page?

You'll see promos for Connector around the Buffy site, and all you have to do to use it is click them, then log in on the page you'll be taken to with your BBC logon - that's the same details as you already use for posting on the messageboards, or using Talk Buffy. If you haven't got a logon already, you'll need to register, but don't worry, it doesn't take long.

Once you're logged in, you'll see a small window pop up, containing one or more cheeky little faces - the avatars of anyone logged in and looking at that page. You can edit your own avatar by clicking on the "Edit badge" button - that will let you change its colour, give it a natty hat and many other things. On top of that, you can give everyone an idea of what you're all about by chosing what you like, hate and are from dropdown lists.

To talk to someone, just click on someone else's avatar and invite them into a chat by choosing "Start Chat". If they're up for it, they'll say yes, and you can chat the hours away. Up to five people can chat in one group - just invite them in by clicking the Invite button, and you can have as many chats going as you can manage.

You can keep track of any friends you make by adding them to your friends list, and if you happen to come across somebody who rubs you up the wrong way, just hit the block button and they'll bother you no more. There are moderators on hand at all times, so if you see anything that you think really shouldn't happen, there's an alert button to let them know what's up.

So, all that remains is for you to get chatting. Happy Connecting!

We're afraid that for safety reasons, only those aged 16 or over are allowed to use Connector. Sorry about that, but we have to be careful!

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