I think it�s a blessing for the show in that on UPN we�re essentially a very big fish, and when we�re partnered with Buffy it makes an argument for [our night] being perhaps the strongest night on UPN.
While we were on the WB we were certainly not the number one show. I think we have a wonderful position in the schedule and a wonderful position in terms of publicity and marketing and I think it�s a good move on all fronts.
Do you think the change of network is going to alter the show?
I suspect that UPN wants to make sure that we hold onto their demographic of wrestling fans, but I don�t think that�s a problem with our show anyway.
Our strong teen-girl demographic attracts a lot of the boys as well, so I suspect that they�ll let us continue to create the show with a style that has already gotten us into the third season anyway.