Andrew Welsh
Married (Sheena). One daughter
Govan High School Glasgow University (politics and history) Glasgow University
Non-political career:
Senior Lecturer
Political career:
MP for South Angus 1974-79 Member, NEC 1979- SNP Vice Convenor, Adminstration 1980-84 SNP Vice Convenor, Local Government 1984-87 MP for Angus East 1987- Vice-President, SNP SNP Whip Parliamentary Spokesperson for education, local government, housing, agriculture, transport, trade & industry Member, SNP Scottish Cabinet Cllr, Stirlingshire District Council 1974 MP South Angus 1974-79 Contested Angus East 1983 Cllr, Angus District Council 1984-87 Provost, Angus District Council 1984-87 MP for Angus East 1987- SNP Vice-President 1987- Executive Vice-Chairman, Administration 1979-83 Senior Vice-Chairman, Local Government 1984-87 SNP Chief Whip and Trade and Industry Spokesman