News In Brief
Campaigning in the French general election has officially come to an end
ahead of the final vote on Sunday, June 1st. The election was called almost a year early by the centre-right government to try to win a mandate for the radical economic reforms France needs to join the single currency. But the move has backfired because the Socialist Party led by Lionel Jospin easily won the first round. The Prime Minister and leader of the centre-right ruling coalition, Alain Juppe, has already said he'll resign.
Irish Prime Minister John Bruton has insisted there was no need for Sinn
Fein to receive clarification about talks on the future of Northern Ireland once the IRA had declared a new ceasefire. Mr Bruton, commenting on Sinn Fein's demands to join all-party talks, said "There is a place there for them. The truth of the matter is that they will be there if the IRA have a ceasefire - and they know that. It is absolutely clear, and there is no need for clarification that they will be in the talks."
The Government has brushed aside claims that Agriculture Minister Jack Cunningham used "public resources for party political purposes". The Tory leadership challenger Peter Lilley has written to the Cabinet Secretary Sir Robin Butler to "express his deep concern" at a letter from the minister attacking the Conservative government's record on BSE. Mr Lilley asked Sir Robin to clarify whether Dr Cunningham's letter breached the rules on using departmental resources for party political purposes.
Ribble Vally MP Nigel Evans is pioneering a new telephone service which allows his constituents to reach him at any time.
The MP says Conservatives should learn a lesson from defeat at the general election and make sure they keep in touch with voters. He has subscribed to a special phone service which means constituents only have to remember a single number when they want to reach him. By dialling 07000 NIGELMP, callers will always be able to get through to Mr Evans, who can divert his calls to one of the several numbers. Even if he is unable to take the call immediately, a message can be left and Mr Evans will always be aware that someone called.