GMB: an important player
Union Chief warns against Labour conference becoming a "rally"
John Edmonds, general secretary of the GMB ( General, Municipal and Boilermakers Union) has warned the Labour Party not to turn it's annual conference into a mere "rally". He said it must remain the party's sovereign policy making body.
But Mr Edmonds, who's union has its own conference in Brighton this weekend, said he believed Labour's proposals to restructure their party conference were sensible. The Labour party has suggested that the conference should have a more detailed debate on fewer subjects, and a rolling programme of year-round policy formation throughout the party.
There have been fears that the intention is to turn it into a mere "rally".
Continuing atmosphere of euphoria
Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Edmonds said there was a continuing atmosphere of "euphoria" about the size of Labour's majority, which he said would let it implement its manifesto without having to do deals with other parties.
John Edmonds speaking on the Today programme
Everyone accepted, he said, that with such a large majority, changes were
needed in the Labour Party machinery "so that the government and the party
organisation can work together smoothly." He said "I don't think there is a great deal of apprehension. The party conference is important to us and there is no doubt that the sovereignty, the fact that the party conference is in charge of policy development in the party, will be preserved.
If it is preserved, those worries that do exist will be largely
He welcomed the plans to have more detailed debate on fewer issues, as opposed to the current "scatter gun" approach of having every policy debated briefly
every year.
"It would be extraordinary, at a time when the Tory party is realising that
its lack of democracy, its lack of grass roots appeal and involvement, is
damaging it in the eyes of the electorate, if Labour moved in the other
direction." he said