Hackney's Recent Problems
The Government have sent inspectors into Hackney education authority.
The inspectors will try to tackle underachievement in the East
London borough.
- It is only the second education authority to be targeted for inspection -
and the first by Labour. Former Education Secretary Gillian Shepherd asked
Calderdale in West Yorkshire to submit to an inspection after the temporary
closure of the Ridings school in Halifax.
- Hackney has not had an education director for nearly a year after Gus John
quit last July, accusing councillors of not giving him enough support.
- Hackney Downs comprehensive was the only school in Britain to be closed
down by the last Government after inspectors said it was beyond the control of
- The authority came bottom in the national primary school league table
published earlier this year.
- The problems are not new - in 1990 an inspectors' report said that schools
were failing their pupils. It said teachers did not support each other, were
unpunctual and sometimes homework was not marked.
- In 1994, lesbian Jane Brown, head of Kingsmead primary school, caused
controversy when she turned down cheap tickets for pupils to see the ballet
Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Opera House because it was a "blatantly
heterosexual love story". She was exonerated after an inquiry by school governors.
- In the same year, teachers banned police giving talks in primary schools on
drugs and alcohol - in case they arrested the pupils.