Prescott: fulfilling election pledge
Prescott Urges Businesses to Save Energy
The Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, is urging business leaders to switch to
more efficient energy systems. He has written to 300 industry chiefs suggesting they consider "combined heat and power" or CHP.
CHP is a high efficiency energy system used for producing heat and electricity
at the point of use. Such systems, which operate at more than 1,200 locations throughout the UK, are typically more than 80% efficient.
The Government action has been greeted as a welcome fulfilment of a Labour
election pledge.
David Green, the director of the Combined Heat and Power Association, said,
"Action now to boost the take-up of CHP is essential."
"In opposition, new Labour advocated the expanded use of CHP," he added. "And, with the Government's explicit manifesto commitment to CHP, such early action sets a new tone to the partnership which is needed between the industry and Government to ensure more consumers get the benefit of CHP."