Britain Threatens to Ban Beef Imports From Europe
Britain is threatening to ban imports of beef from other European countries unless they agree on tough new meat hygiene standards at a meeting of EU agriculture ministers.
The UK has already implemented the new rules as part of the drive to eradicate BSE, mad cow disease. The measures would force all EUcountries to remove parts of animals which are susceptible to BSE before they are sold into the food chain.
Has beef cleaned up its act?
The Agriculture Minister, Jack Cunningham, says UK beef is now subject to the toughest hygiene controls in Europe and it would be "absurd" to allow imports of lower-standard meat from the rest of the EU.
Some of Britain's EU partners insist the extra cost of the measures is unnecessary as they are free of BSE. But the European Commission is backing Britain and has told member states it will impose stricter rules if the current measures are not implemented. It argues no member states can confidently claim to be BSE-free, particularly when 10 countries face court action because of poor hygiene controls in abattoirs.
Seven member states including the UK and Ireland are in favour of the strict controls, but eight - Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Finland, Italy, Austria and Portugal - are against. Agriculture ministers will debate the issues in Brussels on Tuesday, then take a vote. If the measures are rejected Britain will carry out its threat and ban the imports.
The controls cover what are called "specified risk materials" in meat. These are the brains, eyes and spinal cords of cattle, sheep and goats over 12 months old, and the spleens of all sheep and goats from the food chain.
July 15 - Cunningham fails to lift ban
July 16 - New research on BSE transmission to humans
