Did scripters Chris Golden and Tom Sniegoski have a good understanding of what can be achieved in modern games, or was there an education process involved?
Chris and Tom did a great job of dropping right into the middle of an ongoing game and just getting down to business and helping us round out the plot and complete the rather extensive dialogue in the game!
For most of the cut scene stuff they had no problem whatsoever, because it was spec[ified] just like a scene from a show. I think the thing that was new to them was all of the interactive dialogue that pops up during gameplay without necessarily any surrounding context.
We�d have to try and provide that context so we�d throw things at them like: "Give us Giles lines for when he�s being attacked by vampires in the Library," or "Give us a Buffy line for when she throws a vamp into a shaft of sunlight," and things like that. They had to come up with tons of those.