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7 February 2011
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Finally, a truly Andrew-centric episode, and from Jane Espenson too. Storyteller does for Andrew what Superstar did for Jonathan, and in some ways can be seen as a sequel to that story.

Andrew gets to twist events to enhance his cool factor, only this time the twisting occurs in his head rather than a magically distorted reality. The opening shot of our pipe smoking (or should that be choking?) hero, the revamped battle with Dark Willow and Buffy and Anya's glamourous slo-mo breakfasting are all delightful.

But Storyteller's conclusion shows a dark side too, perhaps all the more effective for the comedy that precedes it. Possibly the most satisfying and inventive episode this season.


Poignant and funny, this has to be one of the top episodes this season. I can't get enough of Andrew anyway, so the world according to him was a joy to behold.

Unlike last week's ep, which was full of portentious nonsense that pretended to deep, life-changing significance, this was a deeply significant episode that pretended to be a bundle of fluff. Presented through Andrew's camcorder footage, the Scoobies looked at their most real and vulnerable, especially compared with his high-gloss Hollywood imaginings.

This is a real fan-pleaser, full of nods to continuity reaching all the way back to the very first season. They could have seemed like meaningless point-scoring, but are so well done that they draw you in and gave you a warm, cosy feeling inside. The amazing editing that brought Andrew's version of his battle with dark Willow to life was an especial high-point.

The core of the story, coming to know yourself, was as affecting as its telling was entertaining. As Andrew's self-delusion broke down, I really felt for him. Everyone has to deal with shattered illusions at some point, but to frame such a universal, horrible experience in such a comic setting is a work of genius.

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Xander Xander
'So, do you really need to resort to the black arts to keep our hormones in check? '
Another quote?

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