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X Files | Introduction

Scully, Doggett and Skinner Open the X Files...

The X Files is a division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation devoted to unsolved cases that appear to have some unexplained, paranormal element. The files take their name from the filing cabinet where they were kept - originally filed under U for unsolved, they grew to big for the drawer and were moved to the less populated X cabinet.

Originally opened in 1946 by J. Edgar Hoover - who wanted a series of murders with a half animal, half man suspect investigated - the X Files became a dumping ground for reportings of UFOs, alien abductions, and other arcana that the FBI didn't want to investigate, or didn't believe in. At least, that was the case until Fox Mulder, a high flying serial-killer specialist, requested transfer to the forgotten basement.
More Backstory
The Conspiracy
The Black Oil
Alien Bounty Hunters
Rebel Alien Clones


A true believer in the paranormal, a result of witnessing his sister's abduction as a child, he soon started to ruffle feathers in the Bureau. Eventually, he was assigned a partner - the sceptical, scientific Dana Scully. She wasn't just there to help him - she was expected to report back in order to discredit the wild-card Mulder.

Slowly convinced by the mounting evidence, Scully became Mulder's staunch ally. Over years of investigating cases no-one else would touch, the pair have come across paranoia inducing gas, vampire fetishists, plagues of grasshoppers and Luke Skywalker's love children. But this is just the detail...

The key to the files runs deeper than any strange phenomenon - there's a conspiracy at the heart of the government, and aliens are trying to take over the planet. Not just any old E.T.s, mind - they can possess people using Black Oil, and shapeshifting aliens are already among us. Luckily, there's a rebel faction who are on our side...

Conspiracy | Black Oil | Alien Bounty Hunters | Rebel Clones


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