The Nation on Film education web site showcases the work of schools including this major reminiscence project produced by St Thomas More RC School in North Tyneside. Local people who lived and worked in the shipbuilding communities of the area tell their story to the students, and relive their experiences of life in Wallsend. |
About this project
This unique inter-generational project is a partnership with St Thomas More School, Living History North East, Bridging the Gap and Age Concern (North Tyneside).
The project started in September, 2003, when six volunteers from Age Concern (North Tyneside) teamed up with 13 sixth-form students from St Thomas More RC High School, North Shields. The groups aim was to produce an oral history of Tyneside's shipyards. The project was supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
During the year, the group undertook training in the use of technical equipment and interviewing skills. Following the training, 21 interviews took place and research visits were made to Swan Hunters. Extracts from these interviews are available on this BBC website.
The project has also produced a DVD that documents workers' experiences in the shipyards and growing up in a shipyard community. This will preserve our local heritage and will provide a valuable resource for school children. The DVD is being distributed free of charge to schools in North Tyneside.