BUILDING THE BIG 'UN (1969/b&w/sound) | The
Big 'Un
The building of one of the first 'supertankers' - the Esso Northumbria
- on the river Tyne at Wallsend in the late 1960s. 4 minutes 8 seconds
�BBC. |
 | Shipyard
The building of the Esso Northumbria super tanker on the river Tyne. 2
minutes 58 seconds �BBC. |
 | The
Women of Wallsend
The women of Wallsend talking about living with shipbuilding, and see
the Esso Northumbria super tanker towering over their terraced houses.
2 minutes 56 seconds �BBC. |
 | The
Princess Anne launches the Esso Northumbria tanker in Wallsend, and toasts
the achievements of the Tyneside shipbuilders who made the 1350 feet long
ship. 2 minutes 56 seconds �BBC. |