MEL DAVIS - APPRENTICE TRAINER | A Typical Day in Today's Yards Mel Davis compares the lives of apprentices in today's yards with those during the last century. He describes a typical working day for the modern apprentice including their shift patterns and health and safety. |
| Working Conditions in Today's Yards Mel Davis describes how the modern shipyard is a much safer place to work with safety glasses, hard hats and better conditions. He compares the modern yard with the traditional Tyneside shipyard, and charts the great advances in technology. |
| The Modern Apprentice Mel Davis explains how the modern apprentice system works. He describes how 17 year olds go through rigorous training programmes and college courses. Mel also talks about new opportunities for adult apprentices in the modern shipyard. |
| The Future of the Yards Mel Davis talks about his hoped for the future of shipbuilding including the potential for new vessels such as hospital ships and aircraft carriers. He is optimistic about the future of the shipyards. |