Diary of Events
Wednesday 11 March John Major visits Buckingham Palace to ask for the dissolution of Parliament.
Monday 16 March Labour launches
Shadow Budget;
Liberal Democrats launch their manifesto.
Tuesday 17 March Conservative Party Election Broadcast -
"The Journey" follows Major on a visit to his childhood home in Brixton.
Wednesday 18 March Conservatives and Labour launch their manifestos.
Tuesday 24 March Labour Party Election Broadcast on health service which became known as
"Jennifer's Ear".
Thursday 26 March Liberal Democrat Election Broadcast promising 1p increase in income tax will be invested in education.
Saturday 28 March Major's
"soapbox" makes its first appearance.
Thursday March 30 Major warns voters of "Nightmare on Kinnock Street".
Wednesday 1 April Labour holds
"Sheffield Rally"; Major attacks Lib Dems as Labour's "Trojan Horse".
Thursday 2 April Charter 88's "Democracy Day"; Labour leader Neil Kinnock invites Lib Dems to join Plant Commission on
electoral reform.
Saturday 4 April Conservatives launch attack on proportional representation.
Sunday 5 April Major hosts final Conservative rally at Wembley and warns "Wake up, Britain".
Monday 6 April Kinnock looks uncomfortable on Granada 500 election programme when he is pressed to make clear his personal view on proportional representation.
Wednesday 8 April The Sun runs feature on life under Labour entitled "Nightmare on Kinnock Street".
Thursday 9 April - Polling Day
The Sun front page has picture of Kinnock's head inside a lightbulb and headline states: "If Kinnock Wins Today Will The Last Person in Britain Please Turn Out The Lights". The Conservatives win with 336 seats to Labour's 271 and an overall majority of 21.