2005 TV Moments
We want you to tell us your favourite TV Moment of 2005.
Fill in the form below, giving us your choice, and why you think it was the best.
We'll then put the best ones on this very page!
Your Comments
Tony Blair taking part in Richard and Judy's "You say we pay" because it was so funny and I want to see it again. Charlotte
Strictly Come Dancing returns - sequins galore, stunning footwork, spangly Darren Gough. Emma
The return of Doctor Who and the Daleks. I am now 35 years old and remember watching from behind the sofa. Now my 7 year old son does the same. Fantastic! Gary Parker
The Final of "Playing it Straight". She had no idea she was picking a gay man. The result was not a reaction you could fake, her screams of 'I don't care' were so untrue. Luckily it all had a happy ending. Graham Munday
Phil and Grant's comeback on EastEnders is the moment for me. It had drama, comedy and tears and I for one can't wait for the stories to unfold now. Jackie Loveridge
My TV moment is when Connie tried to save Wills life on Holby City. I love Amanda Mealing and think she acted this perfectly! Louise Edgar
The elephant football match from Elephant Diaries because, I have visited the orphans on several occasions and have seen emotions ranging from heartbreak to joy amongst both the orphans and Daphne's team. The football game reflects the ethos of one of the most joyous, humane and loving places on this earth. Jan Nevill
The moment the Olympics were announced... you could here the cheer down the street! Phil Mercer
Pink Floyd at Live 8. 26 years was was too long to wait! Jim Young
When Amber revealed Tanya's secret at the christening. Priceless Footballers' Wives moment! Everyone thought Amber was bonkers. But she was a lady on a quest who couldn't be stopped. Priyanka Patel
The Champions League Final because it was nail biting and it looked like Liverpool were never going to pull it back and when it got to the penalties you were on the edge of your seats and the adrenalin going through your body was amazing. Rachel