UK Bulletin

Hi there, I'm Ore from Newsround. It's Monday the 7th of February.
First, just days after the east of Australia was hit by a massive cyclone, the other side of the country is battling bush fires! The blazes near western Australia's capital, Perth have destroyed dozens of homes and hundreds of people have had to flee for safety.
Next up, Newsround's been catching up with the star of CBBC's drama, Just William - Daniel Roche. He's been telling us how someone pretended to be him on the web. His mates thought they chatting to him on Facebook, but it turned out they were talking to a complete stranger....
CLIP: "I got quite angry when I search the account because he made me sound really big headed, arrogant...I don’t know, it made me quite angry."
Well tomorrow is Safer Internet Day and we've got a special programme with loads of tips on how to stay safe when you're online.
Next up - Formula 1 star Robert Kubica has been in hospital after bad crash yesterday in the Rally of Italy. He was in the operating theatre for seven hours while doctors tried to save his right hand. Today his team, Renault said he's doing much better and he's been able to move his fingers and talk to his relatives.
Finally, we're talking about one of the biggest sports events in the world - America's SuperBowl. We might not be big fans of American footy here, but in the States it's a massive deal - so big, that more than 100 million people tuned in last night for the final. But what's really got people talking is Christina Aguilera's pre-match performance....
CLIP: Singing fx
The popstar busted out the U.S. national anthem and it was all going pretty well until...
CLIP: Singing fx
It might sound pretty good, but it seems the star got a few words wrong - not the best timing! Oh and in case you're interested, it was the Green Bay Packers that won the Super-bowl, they beat the Pittsburgh Steelers by 31 to 25.
OK, that's all from us, we're back tomorrow.
World bulletin
Hi there, I'm Ore from the BBC World News for Schools. It's Monday the 7th of February.
Coming up:
Australia's hit by bush fires.
Christina Aguilera fluffs SuperBowl performance.
And meet the kids who take a ski-lift to school.
First, Australia has been hit by yet another disaster - bush fires are burning out of control near Western Australia's capital, Perth. The blazes have destroyed dozens of homes and forced hundreds of people to seek emergency shelter. Sergio Tucci described the fire near his home....
CLIP: "The fireballs hit these trees in front of us here and the tree's been engulfed and all of a sudden the fire just came off a tree, just hit my aircon unit on my roof and then that was history from then."
The fires are the latest in a string of natural disasters to hit the country. Queensland, on the the other side of the Australia, has already had to deal with massive floods and a powerful cyclone.
Next to Egypt, where after two weeks of protests against President Mubarak demonstrators are showing no sign of budging. Over the weekend talks have been going on between different political parties to try and reach a solution, but the protestors say that's not enough and they won't go home until the President quits!
More news now and this weekend saw the worst fighting in years between Thailand and Cambodia. Four days of shooting between the two countries' armies has left 5 people dead, and thousands more are reported to have fled their homes. It's all over an 11th century temple surrounded by jungle, which both countries claim as their own.
Next up, one of the world's biggest sporting events took place in the U.S. last night - American football's SuperBowl. More than 100 million people tuned in to see Michigan's Green Bay Packers, take on the Pittsburgh Steelers, and this year it was Greenbay's turn to celebrate with a 31-25 win....
CLIP: "The game is over! The Green Bay Packers are SuperBowl 45 champions. Roethlisberger couldn't find the fourth quarter magic. And the Green Bay Packers have won Superbowl 45!"
You'd think everyone would be talking about the football, but instead it's Christina Aguilera's pre-match performance that's got social networks abuzz with chatter. The star seemed to have forgotten a line of the national anthem, so made up some new words instead!!
And today's question is all about the American national anthem, we want to know what it's called?
Finally, how do you get to school? Take the bus? Maybe a lift from your parents? What about hopping on a ski lift? Believe it or not, that's how kids in one Canadian town are getting to class. Ever since their local school closed, kids from Sun Peaks, British Columbia have been going to a new one room school on top of a snowy mountain! And it's not just the location that's unusual, lunch-time's a bit different too......
CLIP: "Right now we're getting dressed to go outside for lunch, and I'm skiing and some of my friends are going tubing."
Now that is cool! And to top it all off they get to ski home!
OK, that's all from the World News for Schools team. We're back tomorrow.