WELCOME | أھلا وس ھلا
Twinning ideas to get started for schools in the UK and the Arab world to mark Syrian School on BBC Four. This version is in English.

We have worked with BBC Arabic to translate these activities. Click The Welcome pack for the Arabic version.

Downloadable pack exploring the themes of climate change and the environment.

What makes Darwin an interesting role model today? Download this PDF for Explore with Darwin ideas.

BBC News School Report pack
Dowloadable pack to help you and your partner school make the news together.

World on the Move
Download a copy of our schools pack.

Downloadable stories and lesson plans (PDF 1.29MB)

World Class China Schools packs:
Names in English
Names in Mandarin
Games in English
Games in Mandarin

Useful resources for twinning schools:
Cambridge Education Foundation
Accreditation for teachers with international partnerships.
DCSF Global Gateway
Make use of new resources to help you develop your school partnership.
DfID Global Schools Partnerships
Register your partnership here. Get advice, support and funding opportunities.
Global Dimension Website
Guide to educational resources that bring a global dimension to teaching.
Resources for linking schools as well as links to schools in Sub-Saharan Africa and China.
Share your world
Download resources, projects and project templates for twinning schools around the world from the World Service Learning English team.
UKOWLA Toolkit
Resources for anyone twinning communities, schools, organisations, hospitals etc.
Volunteers offer support to schools from the VSO Global Educators Register.
Watch the DGSP short films on developing good practice in global partnerships.
Action Aid Schools
Join the Chembakoli website and apply to link up with this Indian village online for half a term.
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