We marked the UN Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change in December 2009 with schools around the world.
We asked four questions about school, extreme weather, climate change and whose job it is to look after the natural world. Their views are shared on a clickable map of the world.
The climate change interactive was a partnership with the British Council. See more about the project below.

Clickable map
See comments from schools across the world on the climate change interactive map

Share a story
Downloadable schools pack for schools to work together. Read a book at the same time. Share ideas.

Climate Conversation
Listen to pupils from the UK and Nigeria discuss climate change and the results of the Copenhagen Conference.

One month on
Look back at high lights from the climate change interactive with comments from schools in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe.

In depth
See more in depth comments from schools around the world.

Audio quiz
Try our climate change audio quiz. Listen to clips. Answer five questions.
How did they do this?
The climate change interactive project was a partnership between BBC World Class and the British Council.
Schools also shared their views with Atlantic Rising.
You can see more from young people and schools and around the world CBBC Newsround and BBC School Report.
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