Find your twin school
Here are a selection of organisations, listed by continent, to help you establish your school twinning.
Service provided - each offers a different service, from finding you a partner school and offering support and guidance for your link, to the DIY approach where you search a database of available schools to find the one best for you.
Cost - some are free, others charge for their services.
Good luck in your search for a twin. Do let us know how you get on - we're very keen to hear your stories. The best ones could get in our newsletter, our website and even on air.
Global service
British Council
The British Council runs programmes to support school twinning projects between the UK and the rest of the world.
DCSF Global Gateway
A website open to schools in the UK and all around the world - select yourself a partner school using the "Find A Partner" database. The website also provides support for twinning projects and advice on twinning activities.
Global School Partnerships
Advice and guidance, professional development opportunities and grants to schools in the UK and in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America that use partnerships to develop a global dimension in the curriculum. Contact globalschools@britishcouncil.org
This online learning community enables schools around the world collaborate on themed projects. They can also help you find a partner school. Rafi.ki are run by Gemin.i. [Charges apply, some projects are free]
UK Global Association for Schools (UKGLAS)
UK schools can find expert help from Local Authorities through the UKGLAS network. Contact R.Kirtley@hull.ac.uk for more information.
UK One World Linking Association provides support for school and community partnerships between the UK and the rest of the world.
Specialist service
Achievers International
Online enterprise project: a group of students and their teacher form a company, and import and export goods with a partner school overseas. [Charges apply]
Atlantic Rising
Geography project linking schools on the north Atlantic coastline including Europe, Africa, South America, the Caribbean and North America.
Link with a school in Sub-Saharan Africa or China through this international children's development agency. [Charges apply.] They also run a schools blog with Malawi and Sierra Leone [no charge].
Sound Affects
This NGO developing audio resources contrasting experiences in schools in UK, Ghana and Sri Lanka.
Africa Experience
Helps schools developing links with schools in Uganda.
African Revival
Various models of school linking in Africa alongside education development work [charges apply].
Afri Twin
Organisation supporting twinning projects with schools in South Africa [charges apply].
Development Direct Global Partnerships
Links schools in the UK, especially the North East, with schools in Africa on health projects.
Dolen Cymru - Wales Lesotho link
Welsh schools - find a partner school in Lesotho.
Link Community Development
Find a partner school in Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Ethiopia and Uganda via education NGO. Support for schools and teachers in the UK and Africa. [charges apply]
Link Ethiopia
Links schools in the UK and Ethiopia. For more information contact chris@linkethiopia.org [charges apply]
The Motse Project
Twins schools in the UK and Botswana. For more information contact info@motse-project.org.
One World Link
Co-ordinates and supports links between Warwickshire schools in the UK and schools in Bo, Sierra Leone.
Sabre Trust
Education development NGO developing links between the UK and Ghana [charges apply].
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust & iNet
iNet is the international arm of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. It helps schools affiliated to SSAT work with schools in the global community. Find out more about SSAT and iNet.
St Mary Magdalene Academy: Senegal Links
Links between UK and Senegal schools elizabeth.stanley@smmacademy.org
Supporting partnerships between schools in the UK and Swaziland. trustees@swazaid.org.uk
Teachers Beyond Borders
Teacher development, inclusive education and Special schools - links between UK and Ghana
The Japan Society
Links schools in the UK and Japan and provides a bilingual exchange website, as well as resources and support.
Opportunities for curriculum projects for 3 or more schools across Europewith EU funding.
For schools in the EU to work together via a simple ICT programme on curriculum projects.
Schools Linking Network
Facilitates school partnerships between two schools within the UK - for example, urban to rural.
UK-German Connection
Links and opportunities for UK and German schools to work together.
Arctic Voice
Link UK schools with schools in Northern Canada