Nola Skinner is leading UNICEF's education effort in Port au Prince
The challenges of setting up a school like this in the situation we are in are multiple.
We have an issue often of space because the earthquake has destroyed so many buildings.
It destroyed 4,200 schools and so many people's homes homes.
Space is at a premium and the priority is to give shelter to people.
We assess the situation and we look for the suitable space for setting up tents like this one here [at a temporary school in Port au Prince].
We have tents that we have pre-positioned. We have kits we have benches, there are teachers and there are partners all working together to bring kids back to school.
The focus we are really honing in on in this initial emergency response is to help children get back into a rhythm of learning.

How did they do that?
The World Today on the BBC World Service are exploring the impact of earthquakes through schools. They recorded this interview with the UNICEF team in Port au Prince.
UNICEF are setting up hundreds of temporary schools in Haiti.
They are working with the Haitian government, and aim to provide education for all.
Photo of temporary school in Haiti copyright UNICEF used with permission.
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