Marie Marshall
I remember the 50's - Sunday school was in a hall just off Copland road all the children went each sunday as a matter of course great days and great days out every year, we were given a brown bag with sausage rolls ,sandwiches , they usually hired a church hall for when we got to where ever we were going and we were also given tea, great days with great memories. Parkholm hall sunday school
Robert Dixon
Growing up in a small mining community in the 40s and 50s was a worlds away from todays standards. I never had to walk more than 200 yards to school in all my ten years there. However, I remember helping to make mats: cutting up the 'clippings', and washing days. No electric washer, I took my turn with the poss-stick. Extra money could be earned 'putting in' loads of coal usually at the rate of two bob [10P] a load. We also had almost the whole countryside to play in - what an adventure. Things were not that bad.
Michael Vick
I do remember the 50's (just) and the 60's ( quite a bit ) although we do say they were the good old days were they ?? children dying to now curable illnesses, conscription ( maybe not a bad thing but at the time I thought so )we do take so much of the modern world for granted, but it was only 50 years ago that we still had rationing and only 1 b/w tv channel, nostalgia says they were great times but reality says they werent. I still miss the 60's though.