Teacher Ederlyn invited pupils to comment on Hunger to Learn themes - poverty, conflict, gender discrimination, disability, distance and disasters:
In Pakistan, the cost of education is just too expensive.
My mother and father both work. Sometimes, when [my mother] has night shifts, my father manages everything in her absence. He father never complains or gets stressed about it.
Keeping in mind the many sacrifices that my parents make, I study as hard as I can, hoping that one day I will make them happy by achieving my goals.
I belong to the Khan caste where there are many restrictions on girls such as not being able to go out or get educated. My mother always dreamt of [working], but her grandfather, did not allow my mother but she did not give up.
Eventually, my grandparents sent my mother to Karachi for her education and she lived in a hostel. After a lot of struggle my mother, my role model, is now working. But thanks to God, there is no such problem with me.
Our school was caught in a conflict once when neighbouring schools got bomb threats that forced us to close down our school for many days till it was declared safe enough for us to go back.
This happened when Pakistan was already facing several terrorist attacks, so security was tightened around the campus. Due to holidays, our planned syllabi for the semester were not completed in time.
Our school has never been flooded. The schools that get flooded are the ones in the twin city, Rawalpindi, where there is no proper sewage system. The problem is aggravated during the monsoon season.

To be honest, my journey to school is almost 5-10 minutes only. We are very fortunate to have all the facilities.
I should thank Allah that he has given me a family that treats girls equally as boys.
I am grateful that Allah has not sent me to this world with any mental or physical defects.
My school has never been flooded.
I have never been caught in a conflict, and I hope that I may never have to go through it.

We all are caught in a conflict right now. Pakistan is being labeled worldwide as a terrorist nation due to terrorist attacks, suicide bombings and religious extremism that not only threaten foreigners, but our fellow countrymen as well.

Fortunately my parents are well off and have good occupations. So we are not involved in any struggle to pay for the costs of education.
As I have been brought up in a co-education system, I do believe that girls have the knowledge and understanding to be educated.
We are very blessed to be studying in such a high standard institute. However, there are some places in Pakistan where girls are less likely educated and are mostly involved in household chores.

The problem that I face during my journey is mostly when there is traffic.
My parents have a job and when they get paid, they pay the cost of my education.
Pakistan is facing many bomb blasts killing many people, but I thank God for we are safe.
Earthquakes have affected us and especially the one that happened on 8th October 2005 and because of that, we got 3 weeks off.

Lives of students can be real hard at times.
I have to sacrifice all my childish needs and wants; my mom struggles for me.
The costs have reached sky high but my mom continues to sacrifice her needs to educate me.

The situation in Pakistan is not good from the past few months due to the political instability, drone attacks, suicide bombs.
We even are sometimes late due to the security checks and obstacles they have placed at every key place. A couple of months back, we were also given early leaves and holidays due to security risks.
Pakistan was subjected to a major earthquake on 8th Oct. 2005, followed by minor aftershocks. The major one was very destructive and destroyed cities in the northern regions and killed thousands of people, affecting millions of families.

BOOOOOOOOM!!! Off went a bomb and a horrible blast shattered the peace of the quiet surroundings.
My uncle heard this explosion. He guessed that a bomb might have exploded.
Upon reaching the place, my uncle saw that a bomb had been blown into pieces killing many policemen and causing injury to a large number of people.
The impact of the explosion was so great that it had created a crater in the road.
My uncle came back home with a heavy heart.
When he narrated this incident to me, it left me pondering over the extremely cruel and inhumane nature of the terrorists who cause suffering to innocent people. We must unite and fight to eradicate terrorism within our country!

How did they do this?
Ederlyn's school is twinned with a school in the UK via the British Council's Connecting Classrooms programme. Read about other Pakistan UK school partnerships in Your Stories.
Read more about Pakistan on the BBC News website.
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