Volcano birds?
Schools in Ireland and Iceland follow their migrating birds - are they affected by the volcano?

Peace Reigns
Schools from the UK and the Middle East attend a conference and share views on peace making

Mandarin in the Museum
Read about Dartford Grammar's performance at the Mandarin Speaking Competition finals in London

My twin school: Xinghai
Twinning teacher Nigel Walkey shares his visit to one of China's top music schools

Dragons in Warwickshire
UK school does dragon dance to mark the Chinese New Year with help from their twin school

What's in common?
Schools in Sheffield and Termino are working on the Renaissance. Pupils tell us what UK and Italy have in common today.

Face to face
Read about The Polesworth School's pupil visit to their twin school Vidyashram in Jaipur, India and the schools' plans for their partnership.

Royal visit shared
Find out how Buccoo Primary in Tobago shared the Duke of Edinburgh's recent visit with their twin school in London.

Sports Tour
UK school returns from their first ever sports tour in Africa. Netball and football teams toured KEEA district schools in Ghana.

German and British twin schools share their Remembrance Day service and learn about the first world war.