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I LOVE 1960

Berets and Black - It's Beatnik!

Beatnik (n.): A member of the Beat generation who is a nonconformist in dress and behaviour.

One of the big hits of 1960 was the carry over of late 50's Beatnik fashion, which also influenced design later in the decade.

The Beatnik message was 'Be Cool, man!' The look was flat shoes for women, sandals for men and beret's became the must have fashion item for everyone. It certainly wasn't something from an expensive fashion house, even though Dior designed an acclaimed collection of 'beatwear' which included fitted leather jackets and black pants.

In 1960 Adam Faith starred in the cult film "Beat Girl", the story of a teenager who falls in with a beatnik crowd. It helped confirm the beatnik style as major fashion trend of the period.


1960 Fashion: Doc Martens | Beatnik | Teasy-Weasy

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