Where is sci-fi television heading now?
Paramount isn't giving it up. They're launching a new Star Trek series, Enterprise, in the fall. To a degree they are moving backwards because this new series is going to be set in the past.
I think the fascination with sci-fi remains. In the US there's a cable network devoted to nothing but sci-fi. I think that sci-fi is not as dazzling as it once was in the '60s and '70s when the idea of man walking on the moon was still relatively new, or when Star Trek started, just a dream.
People are more sophisticated, audiences see what technology can do. The internet brings all sorts of different things right into people's living rooms. the whole idea has of space is not as scary as it once was.
People are still interested in other worlds. People still like continuing storylines, set in different worlds and with different characters. I still think there will always be an audience for it, as long as you've got geeky teenagers in high school who dream of being anywhere but high school. I think you'll always have an audience.