Bob Blackman
Bob joined as the Costume Designer during Next Generation. He took the crew out of their very uncomfortable jumpsuits, and made a lot of actors very happy. He also knows what Jeri Ryan's measurements are...
Changing Uniforms
Bob Blackman came in to make the Next Gen uniforms easier to wear.
Back problems
How did the costumes give the actors back problems?
The new uniforms
What fabric did you move on to?
The women of Next Gen
How were the costumes different for the female crewmembers?
Colour and Star Trek uniforms
Is there an established rule for Star Trek uniforms through the ages?
Enterprise uniforms
What are the uniforms like on Enterprise?
Voyager�s uniforms
How did you try and make Voyager different?
Enterprise: creating the Sulaban
How did you create a new costume for a race, like the Sulaban?
Enterprise uniforms
What do the uniforms look like for the new series?
Seven of Nine
How did the design for Seven of Nine�s suit pan out?
The Borg Queen
Tell me about the Borg Queen, you�ve used it very recently.
What input did you have on the Ferengi costume?
Space sexy
Exposing flesh in intersting alien ways
Babes in space?
The first series had lots of babes in costumes but now the women dress quite demurely.
The Klingon costumes have changed before, and they will again for Enterprise.
The Borg
Evolving the Borg costumes
The Hirogen
Making seven foot aliens was quite a challenge. Making them smaller was an even bigger one.
Trials and Tribble-ations
Recreating uniforms for the DS9 crew to wear for their visit to the Original Series.
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