Weapons, phasers, torpedoes, that kind of thing. How much better were they by Next Generation?
In the Next Generation we still have phasers and photon torpedoes, but you�ll notice that it has more phaser banks, that the phasers can actually sort of move around and the beam can actually be generated from different points on the hull, both the front, the fore and the aft part of the ship. So it seems to be a more sophisticated technology just by virtue of the fact that they can be pointed and combined in a fashion that we never saw on the original series.
Photon torpedoes have a greater yield, it�s a more powerful bang than it was in the original series. Then on Deep Space Nine we suggested a new invention called a quantum torpedo and, presumably, that was kind of like the difference between an A bomb and an H bomb. This is an even more powerful torpedo weapon that could disrupt matter at a quantum level. We�ve never worked out in any detail how because it�s beyond present day science. Photon torpedoes were more conventional kind of explosive weapon that incorporated matter and anti-matter explosions.