It took some time for the public to take Next Gen to their hearts.
Being embraced by the public was a process. It didn�t happen immediately. It took some time.
I guess it was some time between seasons one and two. It was puzzling to me when I would read in the press that so many ardent and staunch fans felt that there was no room in their hearts for another Star Trek, they were so loyal to the original. And I thought wait a minute, these are Star Trek fans, these people are by nature, open minded. I didn�t understand, you know, where that sort of closed mindedness was coming from.
During those first two seasons I think a lot of that went on, there was a lot of avoidance and then once people started sampling and experienced, you know, what it was they sort of stuck with us.
And then, of course, we got better. I think that first season we were all very terrible. It�s pretty painful to watch, that first season of shows, as we were all trying so hard to find who we were. In our second season we got a lot better and a lot more relaxed and then, I think, by the third season we really began to hit our stride.