So what about the exterior, the colours and things you put on it?
Basically I wanted to keep it as plain as I could. To be able to play light on it. I didn�t want to load the exterior up with what looked like equipment of some kind. We used to talk about Murphy�s law, that whatever man makes will break at the most inopportune time. So why have equipment on the outside in the worst possible environment to put a crewman out to work on it if you can keep it on the inside? The same was true with the instrumentation on the bridge. On almost any military airplane, or ship, to fit a new piece of equipment it�s hung in there where you�re going to knock your head on it, and everybody�s got to get out of the way while they fix it or pull it out. I said, "Why bother a crewman that�s doing his work just because one thing goes out? Change it from the backside."