Alice talks about the mystery of the evil queen
I think what�s interesting about her is that she has an odd resonance in that she means something different to almost everyone who�s encountered her.
Some people have felt that the character was symbolic of the modern world, of the way that mechanisation and technology has possibly eclipsed some of our humanity and some of our spirituality.
What was fascinating to me was the be allowed to explore an area that is so far from me as a human being, which is the use of power - or the pursuit of power � for its own sake. I mean I know she believes that everyone that�s assimilated is actually being given a gift. That�s it�s a privilege to be assimilated, that her particular pursuit of perfection is a blessing that she gives to whoever she assimilates. But that use of power and also the way she uses sexuality as a hook � she uses whatever she needs in any given moment, to extend herself.
Everyone is both attracted and repelled by the character and excited by her and fearful of her. She somehow is the bogeyman that one was frightened of as a child. She somehow just slots into people�s area of vulnerability. As a dark shadow.