How different was it playing the part in Voyager?
In the first place, on film, you do, indeed, have more time. And that�s reflected just in, for example, the costume was streamlined.
I had to re-voice all of Star Tek � Star Trek: First Contact, and I had a great deal of time, I went back twice. For fewer scenes. And we just went on and on until we got it perfect. Until we thought we could do no better.
Unfortunately for the television, again I had to re-voice it. I had shot the two days of work I did on Voyager and left the next day to work in Ireland and four weeks later I did the re-voicing in England in the studio at Pinewood and we had a telephone link to LA and we had five hours to do it in. And I feel that I didn�t do at least the scene with Seven of Nine justice. And that was because of the time pressure.